I have been busy trying to arrange some CPD for AMI and MTA, two professional organisations for instructors, leaders and supervisors in the UK. Whilst some of these are provisional, I should now fairly quickly whether they are accepted and they should soon make it to the MTA/AMI website.
In the mean time I really need to start advertising them so here is a list of the CPD workshops I have on offer. If the dates don’t suit or one course seems popular I will run it again. All course are delivered by Mark Reeves a highly experienced MIA and Author.
An introduction to reflective practice for climbing coaches, instructors and supervisors.
Evening Workshop 28th April
Exploring the pros and cons of using sport climbing venues
Full day workshop 6th July
A course that explores teaching lead climbing beyond an introductory level.
Full day workshop 8th June & 12th July
Getting to Know North Wales Crags Weekend
This course aims to notch up several classic routes on the most used MIA crags in North Wales.
25th-26th April
Managing Sea Cliffs for the MIA
This course explores the use of sea cliffs with clients.
17th May
Using Indoor Climbing Wall to Teach Outdoor Skills
This course looks at how we can use an indoor climbing in imaginative ways.
7th June
Teaching Rope Rescue Skills
Here we look at how we can use teaching progressions to aid the teaching of Rope Rescue Skills
18th May
Teaching Big Wall Skills
This is an introduction to Big Walling Skills that maybe be of interest for MIA looking to push themselves on teh worlds big walls.
5th July
Bolting Workshop
This is a workshop for those who want to get involved with re-equipping and checking sports routes in North Wales.
10th April
11th April – full
The History, Science, Technology and Culture of Rock Climbing
This is an evening lecture based on the History and Sciecne of Rock Climbing
12th May – London
16th May – Beacon Climbing Centre – To raise money for North Wales Bolt Fund