Sorry I haven’t been on here much, the main reason is that I have been learning php to programming a bespoke web service for climbers. If you have brought my book ‘How to Climb Harder’ it features a performance profiling technique. I have managed to automate this for individual climbers.
Whilst at the moment the site only assesses your performance and gives you suggestions for training over the coming month the plan is to slowly develop the site. The next step is to add some ability to log your training sessions in detail, and after that I will look at developing various graphs to highlight performance changes.
If you’d like to try the site out, the link is here. If you do use the site, I’d really like to here any feedback on how you found it, plus any ideas on how you’d like to see the site develop. You do have to register and login to the site, this is neccessary for two reasons the first is that it allows you to revisit the site and review your profile, as well as re-evaluate it after a month.
The second reason is that may use some of the data at a later date to examine training behaviours of climbers.
Anyway I hope that the site will be of use to many climbers, and possibly even coaches. If you are a coach feel free to get your climbers to use the site. If it proves popular I can create a coaches login so you can examine your climbers profiles.