New Beginners Guide Articles for Trad Climbing

I have been busy trying to put more content on Snowdonia Mountain Guides website in the form of articles that I think will be of help to climbers. I have started off with a variety of basic articles on trad climbing which are available on the resources pages of the site.

These now include:

Buying Your First Climbing Rack

Rock Climbing in Snowdonia

Beginners Rock Climbing Article: Placing Wires

Beginners Rock Climbing Article: Placing Hexes

Beginners Rock Climbing Article: Placing Camming Devices

I have also redesigned North Wales Rock, the idea is to offer links to courses from providers other than myself. I haven’t finished it but at the moment the site also links to all the courses I offer on Snowdonia Mountain Guides. If you run a coaching or climbing business in North Wales and would like to have some links to your site then contact via here. I am charging £50 a year for as many courses as you wish to advertise and I will be adding a banner advertisement as well. Your money will be spent on me adding more content on North Wales Rock Climbing destinations to help boost the site and help your SEO ranking in the process.

iCoach Climbing goes Mobile

We have just gone mobile for logging indoor sessions. The new mobile app will work on the a variety of mobile devices iPhone, Andriod and a latest blackberry’s (See table here, green is for go and red is for no). The app works by caching the neccessary files and code and storing the data on the phone allowing you to update the database one session at a time via the upload page. For the time being the service is going to be free, however I might charge at some point in the future as I need to pay for my time to develop this app, iCoach online will always remain free.

To get the app working you need to visit this page when you have a good wifi reception and allow your phone a minute upload the pages it needs. You can then follow the on screen commands to set the device up with your username and password. You will also need to save the page to your home screen. On an Apple iOS device this is done by tapping on the share icon on the bottom of the browser screen and selecting and clicking on “add to home screen” button. Once you have done this the app will work online and offline. I have yet to put a logo online for your homescreen.

Logging sessions with the device is easy it will even count time for you and you can use other apps at the same time, the only thing you cannot do is close the browser once you haver started the session. As you will loose all the data already logged. It is still in BETA stage so expect a few bugs but I think I have ironed out all the major problems. If you use the app please email me as it would be great to hear how it worked for you or not!