Sport and Trad Climbing Courses in Swanage and Portland – Oct/Nov Half Term 2012

Whilst I currently live in North Wales, the start of my passion for rock climbing started way back in the early 1990’s when I first visited the Swanage and Portland as I grew up in neighbouring Bournemouth. As such in th hope that there is some late summer sun in the October/November half term. I am going to run some sport and trad climbing courses in the area.

The courses are a two weekend sports climbing courses, and are ideal for any climber who wants to make the transistion between indoor climbing and outdoor sports climbing. These courses will take place at either Portland or some of the bolted quarries along the swanage coast. We will cover a whole host of skills that will bridge the gap between indoor and outdoor climbign and help you stay safe.

Sandwiched between these two courses is a one week long Sport/Trad course, where we will alternate between sport climbing at Swanage and Portland and trad climbing on the awesome sea cliffs around Swanage. Again we will cover a variety of skills to help you bridge the gap between indoor and outdoor climbing and introduce you to some trad climbing skills and equipment.

Portland/Swanage Sport Climbing Weekend (27th/28th October 2012 & 3rd/4th November 2012)

These courses are design to help you move outside the confines of a climbing wall and start sport climbing in one of the UK’s greatest sport climbing destinations. These courses run on a maximum ratio of 1 to 4 and we will cover the following skills:

  • Belaying
  • Clipping bolts
  • Using a clip stick
  • Threading lower off
  • Climbing on ‘real rock’.
  • Cleaning a sport route.
  • Basic Redpointing skills.

Cost: £250 per person.

Portland/Swanage Climbing Coaching Week (29th October & 2nd November 2012)

This week long course looks at a whole manner of climbing skills from climbing movement to ropework skills that are helpful for both trad and sports climbing. As we are planning on tackling some of the multipitched routes at swanage we operate on a ratio of 1 to 2 for this course. As such it is more aimed at climbers already heading out onto the cliffs and who are climbing around the F5/VS grades who would like to gain more sport climbing and trad climbing experience.

Due to the low ratios the exact content of the course is very person specific and our coaches will chat to you on a daily basis as what you would like to achieve over the course.

Cost: £600 per person.

What is provided on the course?

During the courses we will provide ropes and more technical climbing equipment. However you will need your own harness, rock boots and Helmets (we do have a limited supply).

What isn’t included?

We don’t provide food, accomodation or transport to the crags. Although we meet up every morning to lift share to the crag from a cafe.

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