Online Coaching and Workshops

Well it has been a while since I have had time to update this coaching blog, with anything resembling coaching. I am sorry for that, but if you can bare with me for another month, as I am currently living in 1 the Fiat Punto, somewhere in Scotland or Wales, or anywhere else I find myself. This is due to me consolidating my experience for my Winter Mountain Walking Leader Award, which is a million miles away from coaching climbing, but it is a neccessary evil on the series of hoops one has to jump through to make it as a Mountaineering Instructor.

What I have found myself doing in my consolidation period is using the skill I use as a rock climbing coach to profile my performance, look for weakness and work on them to bring them up to an acceptable level. Not to mention all the skills of teching people new skills and techniques of using an ice axe and crampons.

What I thought I do was ask you what you’d like to see me cover over the coming months in my coaching blog, I am also keen to feild any questions from users of this site via the comments button or alternatively skype me.

I am also starting to get some bookings in for some spring and summer rock climbing coaching/guiding courses, based up here in North Wales. I am also keen to know whether anyone would be keen for a evening coaching session at their local climbing wall in March. I was asked by Scott, the man who seems to spend as much time repairing my site, as teaching in his college, about running some courses in the Milton Keynes Wall. I have tried to set the ball rolling with this Scott, so hopefully see you soon? If you’d like to have coaching session run for you, a group of firends or a climbing club, then find my details on my Snowdonia Mountain Guides site. An example of this is I am currently tlking to The Ceunant Mountaineering Club about running an evening workshop with a team of them, when a large group are up at Nant Peris.

I hope the new year resolutions are keeping you fit and strong,

bye for now


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