More Beaconeering!

Well i had a slow day, and seeing that i have been on the go for two weeks or more a day off was a day off. Although i did try and get my phone sorted out as it is not hanging up when i make calls as the button is somewhat buggered.

I also had to babysit for my friend, which is more difficult than wandering round the mountains. It was quite funny as when i was first ask it was babysitting. The next night it was picking them up from the child minder as well. Then finally it was feeding them as well.

Now picture the classic TV comedy the royale family, when the excitement in the house is electric because they are going to the ‘chippie’. Quadraple that and times it by a million, and you get somewhere near thw excitement in my friends lovely kids.

After that we ended up heading to the beacon. Where i finally manage to pull down like i used to. Somehow, from nowhere the form has returned. Just in time to hit the rock if this weather sorts itself out!

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