So having been busy recently with re-equipping the Slate quarries, I had been in contact with the power that be at the north wales bolt fund and one of the issues was the Upper Pen Twryn belay and route checks. These essentially need to be done as part of the access agreement with Conway Council.
So being something of an evangelical coder, I wondered whether I could write a small web based application for the people that were trained to test and therefore more easily coordinate there efforts when checking the belays and routes.
After some toing and froing, I managed to make a simple system that is essentially closed off to the public but will allow those involved to add the details and keep a database up to date.
What was really good for me, is that I really took up programming to make and that website was really only a way to help me learn how to program server side programming. The idea being that eventually when my body fails me I have a different ‘trade’ to fall back on. What was good with this was I managed to code everything up in a few hours over a few evenings, so must be getting better at it!