Well, after nearly twenty years of the beacon being upo the hill at Ceunant the beacon is rapidally approaching D-Day. Where it is going to move into a new building based on the Cibyn industrial estate, just outside Cearnarfon. They have had the building a few months now and have been rapidally turning it from a TV studio to a state of the art climbing wall.
Last week I ran into Steve at Tremadog and he suggested that I drop in and take a look. So on my way back from the bank today I dropped in, and my jaw soon hit the floor. This wall is going to be awesome, I imagine for many climbers it may be a game changer. At full height it is 17 metres and overhangs around 7m. It has a IFSC spec speed climbing wall, and simply loads of climbing for the dedicated climber.
However that is just the start of it, there is a two tier bouldering area, which has yet to started, but imagine a few more bouldering areas like the old school room, and I am sure you won’t be too wrong. There is also a crazy climb area for school groups, which features unique and innovative climbing aimed at taster session and kids parties. They also plan to eventually develop an indoor caving area, which sounds awsome.
On top of that the cafe is look great and there are two balconies that overlook the main climbing area. They also have a large lecture theatre which looks like it will seat around 80 people, as well a classroom or two.
I haev to say that I can’t wait to get route setting on this wall. Although I’d imagine it might involve some epic sessions in a harness, unless they are going to keep the cherry pickers. To keep up to date with progress visit Beacon Climbing and I recommend their Facebook page.