Well for the last few days I have been out with a couple of school groups where there was an emphasis on learning outside the classroom. Whilst on the Saturday we did a low level walk round aber falls. Focusing on various plants and stories that link science to the outdoors. Today I was with a school group who wanted a educational walk around cwm idwal.
Faced with a challenge to try and engage the group with the outdoors, I choose to focus the day on the environment and glaciation. Having a new iPad I decided to try and utilise it, and managed to teach myself how to download videos from YouTube. I had w couple of great time lapses of retreating glaciers to help illustrate that glaciers are not static things but move.
The of course allowed me to explain the difference between natural global warming and human influenced global warming. I think the group really enjoyed the day, and it was interesting to try and use tech in my outdoor work. Although I think the group will remember sundew and butterwort or the dragons tongue as they were insect eaters, something the small kids seem to find more interesting that the links from soft rush aka pig wick grass and Charles dickens.
Anyway nice day out, and interesting to do more base level outdoor education, rather than trying to either teach or assess NGB awards.