Well we fell down the wifi equivalent of a very long deep well, since I last blogged, we have been on the road again. However I can’t remember if I blogged about Epinephrine, I think I did but I have a suspicion that the wifi crashed along with my post. Suffice to say that there iswn’t a route I know of like it. I did a 60 metre pitch, of which 30 metres were sustain back and footing. We got up to the conventional pitch 5 where due to Llion tiredness and my lack of moral fibre for tackling another 30 metres of confined chimneying we backed off.
We should have rested our hangover rather than climbed that day. The following day we drove from Vegas through Death Valley to Toulome Meadows. It was great to finally leave the desert behind, and actually stop sweating for a few days! The altitude means running is a little hard, but seeing as we are just walking and climbing there isn’t much of a problem!
In the few days in Toulomne we have climbed several classic routes Dyke Route on Pywiack Dome, Cry in Time Again on Lembert dome, South Crack on State pleasure Dome and the classic of all classics The Regular Route on Fairview Dome. We drank heavily after that, and this morning we have driven down to Yosemite where we will no doubt spend the rest of our holiday.
To give you some figures we have climbed 73 pitches, driven 2000 miles and had an amazing time. Our bodies are growing weary, we plan to do snake dyke some time soon, as well as do some bouldering (will I make it up midnight lightning?)
Anyway as ever some pictures of the journey so far.