Birthday Party Rubbish and Warden Rant

Well I was going to bore you with my run from Llanberis up the Pass to Craig Ddu, followed by a solo ascent of Rib and Slab before running up to the cromlech boulders firing a few problems and then running home. Unfortunately the wind was a little too strong and the rock still damp in places from last night down pour, so I decided that soloing wasn’t a good idea after the first route.

The reason that i am not going to bore you is that on the way back I had to do a double take, as I saw a massive pile of rubbish in one of the lay-by’s. What really astonished me was that first the people who left it must have had a birthday party by the roadside, and decided that the side of teh road was an appropriate place to dumb bag fulls of rubbish rather than place them in their cars and take their own shite home. It was obviously too much for them to manage.

What really get me even more though, and this is the big gripe i have with some of the National Park Wardens, is that they have driven past this mess on several occasions in works vehicles, both vans, pickups and land rovers. Whilst it might not be their direct responsibility, they could at least be proactive at keep our National Park a pretty place. As far as I can tell the Park Wardens are paid to hang out in an office in Pen Y Pass, Beddgelert or Ogwen, and have as little contact with the general public as humanly possible.

Why aren’t they out in the car park on a busy bank holiday lending the car park attendant a hand in giving people directions to the park and ride in Nant Peris or handing out free advice or even just saying hello welcome to Snowdonia with a smile. Basically being a lot more proactive and approachable than they actually are. Occasionally they walk the horseshoe, however as I pay taxes locally and pay their wages, and I have to admit that in general they are very nice people, but in general they have been in the job too long, and no longer have a thirst for amazing position that they have.

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