An iCoach Tester

I ask for a few people to try out my little web based app on my Snowdonia Mountain Guides Website. So far there has been quite a few people sign up, and I am trying to get the training log pages online.

One reader of this blog is going to give it a proper trial and record the results over on his blog. So I must thank Dave for doing this, I hope it helps him reach his climbing goals for the year.

His blog post is here. If you are interested in trying out the iCoach facility, it is just a tool to find five aspects of your climbing to focus on, at the moment but I have plans to develop it more in the future if i can find a way to make it work financially, it is free at present, and I’d liek it to stay that way, however it takes a reasonable length of time to write these bespoke pages and add the logically decision the programme makes.

It will be interesting to see what Dave thinks, he has brought ‘How To Climb Harder‘, which goes hand in hand with the performance profiling tool, which is a process that is covered in the book, all I have done is automate the process and give the pages you need to read to give you training ideas for those five training factors of the month.

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