Well, a good weekend, yesterday, Llion and I headed to Tremadog, where after paying Eric £1 for parking Llion realised that he forgotten his harness. Which whilst on one hand was a total disappointment. On the plus side it wasn’t me who forgot anything for once. So we headed back through the mountains and headed to old faithful, Vivian Quarry, I would like to say that I checked out how the iPhone app, I have put together worked, as the vivian quarry is covered in the free lite version as a taster, but unfortunately the number of routes I haven’t climbed, that probably can do in vivian is a pretty short list of bold, dangerous and to be honest best avoided routes.
So instead we went up the sunchaser wall, and finished before going onto the dervish, mainly because my elbow started to hurt, which isn’t good. Rest is in order me thinks.
Today I had a coaching climbing movement course that I was running, I have been pretty disappointed with the response to these CPD courses, as the MLTA were really encouraging about running them, and so far I have had two MLTA member on two of the courses, and have had to cancel one already as there were no takers, and I won’t be surprised if I cancel the mental skills one next week.
The course was good though, and we covered a lot of technique coaching, that hopefully Chloe will put to good use when she is teaching at her local kids club. I have a day off tomorrow, before I am assessing on a ML course. I am praying for good weather!