Well, the weather was and still is amazing over here in Wales! I did try to get out during the day bouldering but the Pass was rammed so went shopping instead. Then headed up after work with Katie to climb on the crouchan.
For once there wasn’t a million teams getting some after work action on the cliff. There was though one team on the route Katie wanted to lead so I nipped up Brant Direct. I say nipped up, what I mean is worked my way up as confidentally as possible, as it is always a fight, but still a great route!
After that Katie try SS Special, unfortunately Katie doesn’t do too much leading so was pumped out by the final roof, so ended up doing what I dub the SS Sickle. I guess we can sometimes forget that if we don’t lead for a while then it becomes ever harder.
One of the reasons we headed up there was in memory of a great friend that we both shared many routes and memories with. This song is for him.