"There’ll be no guides to follow"

I met up with a friend who had just got back from a little trip to Europe where they did a bit of mountain biking, some Via Ferratas and spent a night at a Alpine hut near the Eiger. They told me about a couple of British mountaineers who had arrived at the hut after two days coming up the glacier, they had failed to find some gas for there stove so took Baguettes and Cheese instead. Great however I wonder how they melted any/enough water?

What was really funny was that when it came time to go down the weather was bad so had to make a decision make the 500 meter walk to the train and fork out for the ride, or make a return journey down the Glacier, with the big point that “there’ll be no guides to follow”. My friends were amazed by these people attitudes, but I had to explain it is common.
Many times I have been up on Glyder Fawr in total pea soup and driving rain teaching people to navigate. As I have stopped to get my group to relocate and plan the next leg, I have regularly been join by more and more people, who tag along behind in the hope of a route off the hill. I have taken in recent time to letting my group walk off and then standing in front of the new recruits and saying that they are welcome to follow me, but the people I am teaching have paid good money, and don’t want you to effect their learning.
Most people accept this, however on one occasion I was teaching bearings and one of these followers asked how does he do that. I was a bit pissed off, so in front of everyone said, these people have paid for my input and advice, so if you want me to answer that question i suggest that you give everyone in my group £10 to compensate them. He didn’t ask another question, just followed along quietly.
It is amazing though that so many people seem willing to put themselves in positions that they can’t get themselves out of when the going gets tough. 999, “I am afraid of steep slopes can you come and rescue me!”
It is just ridiculous, anyway, if you’d like to help support Llanberis Mountain Rescue Team, respond to many of these idiots then you can by sponsoring me to run the Snowdon Marathon in October, either here or click the donate button on the sidebar.

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