Tesco’s: What will they do next for cash?

The Most Unethical Jeans in the World? – I stole this shot from another blogger who mentioned that he last spent £65 on jeans, and that he could have got 21 pairs of Tesco Value Jeans for that amount of cash!

So I was at my local Tesco’s today, I am sorry but it is by far the most convenient shop for me other than Morrison’s, but they make you pay £1 for a trolley, and I never seem to carry cash so I end up not buying half the things I need because they won’t fit in a hand basket. So hate me if you must as Tesco’s are set to take over the UK, you wait come the end of the credit crunch they will own everything! I am fuelling there fire as it is the only place I shop, but Tesco’s will lead to the breakdown of the High Street, there is very little you can’t buy in there often cheaper than anywhere else.

I had the usual shopping scene, looking for any yummy mummy’s or attractive young women; never seem to see too many though. I then went to the check out and the cashier was very chatty, although she had the look of a very stressed woman on the brink of a heart attack, or a series of events similar to Micheal Douglas in the film ‘Falling Down’. She informed me that they didn’t have any large plastic bags and if I wanted some they were 9p a bag, from several metres away from the check-out. Before anybody thinks I shared these thoughts with the poor clerk, don’t worry I simply said the small bags would suffice, as I didn’t want to have to carry out CPR her if she had a seizure through the stress, and besides it wasn’t her fault.

Now Tesco’s is a massive company, with many middle manager and to think that they couldn’t afford to give away a few 9p bags with people shopping when some spotty graduate who was fast tracked to plastic bag ordering position screwed up. Should we could have taken each 9p out of his wages? It did make me think though, what if Tesco didn’t supply bags for free. I stop shopping there for one, as they seem to be able to rob both the customer and the producers blind, so providing a bag seems the least they could do. In fact I an sure they could provide a decent ‘bag for life’ based on your clubcard that way they can even up there ‘green’ credentials.

Not that I have a clubcard, I don’t want some multinational superpower knowing what I buy, not that anything is too embarrassing from Tesco’s, well apart from those vibrating cock rings! Its just seems like an unnecessary invasion of my privacy, and a way that Tesco’s get very easy marketing for very little in return to me. Anyway I won’t be surprised if today was a pilot study to see people reactions to not have bags provided for free, after all the average shop requires 6.7 bags, at 4p profit per 9p bag and around 8000000 shopper a week that’s a truck load of cash for the already rich Mr Tesco.

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