Sunshine and Shivers

Llion looks out over Llanberis, whilst sipping warm coffee as the sunshine disappears and the arctic shivers return.

Well for the first time in ages I managed to get out to touch real rock, in the sun trap of Vivian Quarry, in Llanberis. As we started up the sun had just come onto the face and made it not just bearable but pleasant to climb, even in just a hoody. After Llion and I climbed Full Monty a 30 metre F6a between the Dervish slab that has no bolts, and the Conscience Slab that has run-out designer danger bolts, the sun went in and it returned to feeling Arctic. So after a brew we head to the Beacon Climbing Centre for some bouldering that was almost as chilly!

I guess living in Llanberis me and my friends are lucky, we can be out on the rock even in the the heart of winter, and grab the sunshine at a moments notice. Nipping out to do a classic route like Comes the Dervish is a common occurrence. I am probably around the dervish level several times a year, looking out on the world of llanberis. I remember the outrage a few years ago when someone added the following graffiti to the area. Now it just reminds me of times past, both good and bad.

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