
It seemed too cold for outside climbing today so I headed to the wall with a friend, unfortunately I restrained my intercostal muscle so could hardly climb, so belayed instead.

For some reason I then thought it would be a good idea to head over to the island and see if tomorrow swell had arrived early. It hadn’t but I headed out anyway for a paddle on the board. It was a lovely evening gentle off shore breeze, a passing shower gave me a perfect end to end double rainbow for a few minutes as I played about in knee high ripples. The sun then disappeared behind a squall and lit it up with a beautiful golden glow. Two fantastic skyscapes that unless I had been a total loon and gone out for a float around I’d have missed.

It is the real contrast from climbing where typical half the sky is obscured by a large cliff. Out at sea the horizon goes on forever. Fingers crossed that tomorrow there’ll be white horses charge over that same horizon!

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