I had one of my regular clients up for a days climbing today, and he decided that he fancied a day on the slate. So I picked him up at PYB where he was staying and drove him over. The day was not looking very promising and the crags were still a little damp. We headed up to Looning the Tube Area.
We started by a trip down memory lane for me, where I climbed Sad Man Whose Sane, UBL and Deceptive Dyke. All routes I did the first ascent of back in around 2007 and haven’t climbed them in a long time. The first rotue was very damp but it looked like it would clear, the second route was damp when I lead it but then like magic the rock dried off in the blink of an eye.
I then suggested that Simon try and second Looning the Tube, so I ran round so that there there wasn’t a problem with pendulums and threw a rope down. Si was close to maximum on this route but managed it by the skin of his teeth. We then did steps of glory and walked acorss the quarry to Never Neverland and climbed a greta route Titan.
After which Si’s feet were a little sore so I suggested we nip up and do a quick circuit of Lost Worlds before heading home. Suffice to say we had a great day and knock out loads of product. It was nice to touch real rock for the first time in a month and feel like you’re shaking hands with old friends again.
Anyway Si bought a copy of North Wales Climbs and currently has the only signed copy. I did tell him they are worth less when signed but he was having none of it. He also seemed made up that he actually appears in the guide in one of the many action shots. I guess I forget that this is a big deal for lots of climbers. Having been on the cover of at least two guidebook and appeared in magazines and other books. I guess I am quite blaise about it.