My Book and Other things


I have over the last week been trying to read my book Hanging By A Thread: The Science History, Technology and Culture of Rock Climbing. I have of course read it many times before but always via my computor screen or iPad. I have managed to create a print on demand version. This basically means that very soon if you want a physical book you will be able to order it on amazon and by the wonders of modern technology the book will be printed out, bound and posted to you. You will I think also be able to buy a dual copy ion physical form and ebook.

It was really great to get a copy in my hands as it really does feel like I have achieved something with this book other than an electronic foot print. This along with the North Wales Climbs that is due out real soon from Rock Fax brings my book count to around 5 titles, three of which are self published the others of which are through other publishers.

On top of this I have also taken up surfing, something that I have avoided for years as I hate could water. However a friend loaned me a xcel infiniti wetsuit which was so toasty that I relented and have been spending far too much time driving over to anglesey and  back look for surf. What I have found is that id really compliments my indoor climbing and even after 3 hours in the sea, I still manage to get a good evenings climb in.


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