New Home Page for iCoach Climbing

Having gotten to grips with Jquery and using various libraries I decided to have go at redesigning the home page of iCoach Climbing to make a nicer looking frontage, as well as highlight just what information the site has on it for climbers wanting to improve. So I set to work customizing div’s to make a nice mosaic and brought some information I though would be of interest to climbers to the front page.

So there is now scrollable links to the dynamic news page on the home screen and a random selection of the online articles and videos that have been added to the library feature.

There will hopefully be some adverts on the page from google adsense and amazon, which is sadly a necessary evil to monetize the site. I have mainly choosen my own books to show on this page. Although if you want to buy a coaching or climbing related book you can vist iCoach Climbings amazon store. Again a move to monetize the site.

My next plan it to revamp the profile pages more and get more information into a smaller area. I am also working on a new feature the ‘Fear Test’. Which may make its premiere in conjunction with an Article in Climber Magazine. It will help you customise your training to help address the specific way that fear effects you.


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