Flooding in Llanberis sorry but I stole it from Joe Browns. The black car belongs to a friend parked outside another friends house! Sad times!
I was indoor route setting in the beacon, when at about 2pm I was ask where I lived in Llanberis, as much of it was under water. I instantly headed to Facebook and saw some awful sights. I eventually got home to a thankfully dry house, but my heart goes out to my friends who weren’t so lucky.
A usually small stream that runs down the side of the Hights Hotel via a bridge that means it usually flows out of sight and out of mind, burst over a 3ft high wall that is usually 6 foot above the normal water level. The result was a deluge onto the high street. With Petes Eats and the Doctors at either end of teh high street being lower the water rushed both ways and cause major damage to many homes and business.
A close friends house will probably need the entire ground floor stripping out as will many other houses. Another friends car nearly got washed away. I went to check on my friends and the high street is carnage.
Absolutely shock. in this video 3.40 minutes into it you’ll see how high the water was as it poured into the high street. I suspect as the weather is moving west more flooding for the rest of the UK is in the pipeline.
Just like to say thanks to Joe Browns for hopefully letting me use there image?! There facebook page is here if you want to like it.
I should also link to Boulder Adventures as the owner was out helping people who were being flooded today. There facebook page is here. My friends say thanks Dave.