North Wales Rock Andriod App – Screen Grabs

Graph of grade spreads for one of the areas, covered in North Wales Rock

Well, the North Wales Rock app, has been available on iPhone for around 6 months, and continues to gain momentum as people are paying to download this great new way to access topo and route information. In the back ground the app developer Steve and Laurence have been building the same app for the Andriod Operating System.

All there hard work is hopefully about to pay off, as the Andriod version is going through the last tweaks. So much so that the screenshots have been realised onto theSends facebook page. If like many Andriod users you have been waiting to see what all the fuss is about the wait is coming to an end. Hopefully this can be measure in weeks or days, rather than months.

If you’d like to know more visit the facebook page or In the pipeline is a another app for North Wales Limestone, and Steve in collaboration with others is working on other projects. So if you needed an excuse to get a smartphone then this is it!

The topo with clickable numbers to reveal the route descitions of your chosen route.

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