Before you read on, I would suggest you first read the UKClimbing News item on the matter, and then the Telegraphs piece on the case. As arguably one does not reflect the facts very well.
When I first read of this story on UKClimbing I was in full support of the wall, as someone falling from a bouldering wall is a common thing, and injuries can and do happen regularly, some of which cause breaks and even more serious injuries. As such, as a climber I undertake these activities at my own risk.
You will have to excuse me in this case, as if you actually read the piece in the Telegraph, then a totally different story of exactly what happened becomes apparent. That climber wasn’t in my mind a climber but a student to Craggy Island who was on what was essentially a taster session, which was aimed at team building.
So the difference in that person’s ability to judge risk on a wall, instantly comes into question. As according to the report they had little in the way of a safety briefing on the bouldering wall, something that despite being contested by craggy island the judge felt was not covered well enough to open up the opportunity for the individual to sue the wall.
Now in the past I have done many indoor taster sessions, we are talking probably thousands over the years, and many for a well-known centre in North Wales, where it was drummed into all the instructors the importance of a proper brief and appropriate supervision of both roped climbing and bouldering. It is the appropriate supervision that may well have lead the judge to rule on this, as a beginner should arguably be spotted by someone suitably trained to do so. I say suitably trained, as is it appropriate to have beginners spot beginners, if they have no idea just what you expect them to do, or should the group be trained and brief to spot each other, or should it be the responsibility of the instructor.
My argument would be that it’s a sliding scale of teaching them, and you actively supporting them in spotting, until you are happy that they are OK, and even then keeping a close eye on the group and stepping into assist when the need arises. In order to keep an eye on the group, it is my experience that you simply can’t let the group head off on there own, instead corralling them into smaller sections of the wall, where you can see them all is required.
Louise Pinchbeck, now walks with a limp and cannot participate her favourite sport of running because of an accident that an instructor may well have been able to prevent, or at the very least have suitably briefed the group on the risks of bouldering and falling, as well as employed suitable spotting. These second aspects may well have stopped the incident making it to court.
Sadly, like the judge, I think there was some responsibility that falls on the owner of the wall, for failing to get its supervisor to manage a group of novices that paid for that supervision, in a way that prevented claims of negligence. However it has some important aspects that any indoor instructor should take away and learn from.
1. Bouldering Walls are not a playground, they require as much careful supervision as roped climbing.
2. A proper briefing as to the risk of bouldering is required prior to people engaging in the activity. This should be done as a group so there are witnesses to that briefing.
3. Who should spot beginners, YOU the supervisor or do you think you can train beginners to spot effective? (This peer spotting has been an issue in the Mountain leader qualification for a many years, as if someone or some step needs spotting, it should be the instructor, unless they have ‘trained’ the group in the appropriate skills)
4. Be Insured.
As a freelance mountaineering instructor I am insured against this kind of claim, however an accident doesn’t instantly mean I am negligent. If you use appropriate procedures, and stick to acceptable practice you minimise the risk of becoming found negligent in a court of law. If you fail to do so, then you open yourself up to being sued for negligence.
In this case Craggy Island believed by getting the individual to sign a disclaimer they bypassed any responsibility. However, anybody with any basic legal background (This is often covered in the legal and morall guiduance of qualifications) will know that disclaimers aren’t worth the paper they are written on, especially if sign by a novice. This comes down to the Volenti Non Fit Injuria clause, or a willing volunteer cannot sue for injury. However that volunteer needs to be able to have the experience to make judgements on the risk they are been exposed to, as such a novice cannot make that judgement without prior experience or training to a certain level.
It is why when teaching leading, instructors build people up slowly, and only when they are happy with the client move them onto leading. I have written a piece on my coaching blog about how I deal with briefing a group for lead climbing.
As such I feel that in this case the judge may well have ruled correctly, however terrifying it is to the industry at large, not to mention arguments of increase cost of insurance. This is however my opinion on the information I gathered from the Telegraph’s article, and there are no doubt others out there who might disagree with my thoughts, and others who know more about the incident. I just felt I should write something, as there are learning points for all instructors.
UPDATE – I ripped this off UCK forum – it is a case summary: