Well yesterday, I managed to tick off the last of the major south facing crags by nipping up Rift Wall, it was still a bit damp, but after the initial wall, it dried up. Although in terms of weather, then what a difference a day makes, it was cludy and the cold wind meant we only managed on route, which was good, as I was invited to compete in the end of season Boulder Bash, that ends the aggregate.
So at 6.30 I was up and ready to climb, and managed to climb all but one of the 25 problems set. I narrowly missed out on that as I was too tired to finish it, and fell of the last move a few times before admitting defeat. Two people managed to tick all the problems, and Ollie Cain won a climb off with a rediculously powerful and shouldery problem.
However I was surprised to find that all the young blood in there hadn’t managed to match my score on those 25 problems, so I came 3rd overall in the boulder bash. Not bad for a 36 year old with grey hair and a arm injury that seems impossible to shake off.
Anyway the problems were really good, and I managed to flash a lot of them, and get the rest second or third go. Good scenes, and a great pub social after, where I spent my £20 winnings. I tried to leave before midnight as I was meeting Llion in the morning.