I am very lucky with my work as I get to work with some great people, and I am often called into work for the conway centre and work on one of there collest courses, which is delivering skills training to students from Bangor University, who are studying Sport Science with Outdoor Activities at the School of Sports, Health and Exercise Science. Which is also where I went to study my MSc in Applied Sport Science.
Anyway, around this time of year for the last few years I get roped in (pun intended), to help deliver some lead climbing coaching to the students in their second year. Many of them already lead in their own time, so its good to see what they are doing, and usually tell them that there gear is fine and so is their leading.
Anyway we had a great day out at Holyhead Mountain, I promised I’d put up a few of the better images. I forgot whether I mnentioned that on the way back we called into one of the students houses, as they’d forgotten the team chocolate brownies, it seems there is a theme that has run through this group with mini bake offs! Tasted amazing.