
The sun beat a hasty line through the curtains as the drone of the alarm brought the day into life. Gogarth was on the cards again, the plan hatched to climb the main cliff classic Nightride. A stunning looking line that overshadows much at main cliff but is hidden like a secret gem at the far end of the cliff, unless you approach via an interesting abseil.

As Llion and I drove, he started telling me tales of how the route was used as a sandbag on guide assessment courses. Another friend told of it being a hard route, and with that this great line started to grow in reputation, it wasn’t just another route now, it was a right of passage.

Abseiling in, the warm air blew pleasantly across us, and at the base the sun was only just breaking the yardarm as llion scampered up the first pitch. looking across at the amazing looking arete, weird horns, rounded dimples and steep rock abound. The route definitely didn’t look easy anymore, it was turning into the sandbag, the only thing was we had sandbagged ourselves. Well, I had sandbagged myself!

Looking out from the belay the angle had not changed, the rock definitely overhung, traversing out below whats above you forget whats below, and charge ever onwards. Around the arete, and rejoice in its slabbiness. ‘This ain’t no sandbag’ my mind says, as I work my way back across the arete to the now steep wall, the line above is obivous, the gear not, a quick side step and the world is now a nicer place.

There is still the problem of the next 12 ft to a large fang undercut, it is a target and the climbing flowed upwards to this thankful jug. Passing it with relief the crack above looms, is this the sandbag? No, sinker jams relieve the tired arms and lead onto the tiny perch on the arete. Looking down, the sea, the rock, a dolphin and then remember that your duties aren’t done there is a Llion to bring up.

Llion passes pausing at the ledge for a relax handing over of the rack, with an almost changing of the guards efficiency. Then up again to our bags, another three hours has passed, the sun moved but that boat fighting that current of north stack hasn’t! At the top we saviour the adventure, the route and those moves.

So there it is our story of becoming Nightriders, and avoid the worse form of sandbagging that which you do unto yourself! Picture to follow hopefully

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