A varied day for me today, I started with a well deserved lie-in, after I suggested to my group of the first night we were camping that trying to get away at 8.30am, and them not being ready to leave by ten to nine, that they might want to considered ‘getting there shit together’ when they come back on assessment. They then proceeded to get up an hour early on thursday and we were away 30 minutes ahead of schedule. So I feel that the bed rest was well worth it.
Llion wasn’t free till three so I went round and gave him a hand doing some decking, and was going to meet another friend who’s up from pembroke for dinner, but my pager went off, so I dashed out on a rescue. A climber who had fallen off in llanberis pass. Fortunately they had managed to only break their leg, and we quickly treated them and got the RAF to pick them up.
I then headed back to Llanberis to do some climbing with Llion, Katie and Tom. Llion suggested that as the visitor Tom choose the venue, so we headed up to The Dervish slab, Llion was keen for me to make my first ascent of the Dervish this year, and despite me coming up with many excuses, from I had forgotten my bag and it was locked i the rescue base, to the fact that it was drissling as we approached the slab. No excuse seemed enough to stop the abuse that I should man up and climb.
Which I did, and was pleasantly surpirsed, as whilst not easy, it is E3, it wasn’t too hard either, and I made rapid progress. Tom and Katie climbed Last Tango and then we headed to the conscience slab. I sent Tom up Is It a Crime, whilst Llion nipped up Never as Good as the First Time. The sun finally came out and the evening was a pleasant one.
Finally my climbing feels like it is getting back to the place I want it to be!