Well, over the weekend the slate has been busy, in particular there was a couple fo spots of vandalism. The first was by someone on Friday afternoon in broad daylight, as someone has cut a hole through the two fences at Dali’s Hole. Despite the local climbers putting the feelers out as to ‘Who Dunnit’, there is current know idea as to who.
Many locals don’t suspect a climber, as doing such a thing in broad daylight is something that not even a local climber would do. Especially as 20 yards to the right you could walk round said fence! I am sure there will be fall out from that for climbers at some point!
The second bit of vandalism was by me, I climbed the HVS equinox or solitice, can’t remember what it is called. The one which used to have a really big tombstone flake, I say used to, because after climbing a few times this year the flake seemed to be getting looser, so rather than wait for it to be pull off as some poor bastard mantelshelved it I quick dispatched it with a easy push. I suspect it was loosen this winter by the extreme cold conditions.
I also saw this great advert for BA at the weekend. Seemed like a waste of paper under the current flying conditions. However interesting that they are using a climber to advertise BA!