Well I have been of the grid for a few days, and in bed. Sadly not with the Swedish beach volley ball team, but with the swine I think. Although according to NHS recommendations I haven’t been to see the doctor, which lets face it is totally genius in terms of an attempt not to treat people. Your sick so lets not go see the doctor! Instead I diagnosed myself on NHS Direct, a website which must be a hot bed for hypercondriacts to research new ailment and symptoms.
I have about five of the Swine Fever symptoms with chronic tiredness being one of them. I have manage to sleep for almost 48 hours solid. Unfortunately I also have the shits which ain’t the nicest of the symptoms. It has totally levelled my plans for a long run for my marathon training, not too mention having to call in sick for work this weekend. Not good when as a freelance instructor I have basically lost over £200 of work this month!
I have had an interesting week, I have seen the proof pages for my US road trip article in the next climber. It looks good, there are of course some photos I wouldn’t have chosen from the selection as well as some that I would. Hopefully you’ll enjoy it when it comes out. They were talking about running the who 7000 words I originally wrote online as well. They haven’t used many of the topos I put together for them, so I will pop them on my blog at some point.
I did run into Ray Wood this week who informed me that all the pay and display meters that Gwynedd Council has recently put in around Llanberis and elsewhere have been vandalised. Such a shame! Also I have been looking into the legal side of erecting 2.5 metre high fences in the quarries, and not only do they need planning permission, so if you see a planning application around the quarries email and complain about it yourself as well. Interesting having spoken to Cadw the welsh version of English Heritage, the area is a scheduled momument, and they need to seek permission to perform work, I am hopefully getting a map of the area it includes, so hopefully Dali’s Hole will be included in that.
Hopefully I’ll be better next week and able to get back into my data collection for my thesis, so if anyone is available monday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday or sunday next week then please get in contact as I need more participants to come bouldering at the beacon.