On the Blog: Rocktrails

Now for some people it is a pseudo religious experience reading on the bog. To me I can take it or leave it. However my landlord always seems to have a book du jour. Recently it has been Rock trails: Lakeland by pesda press. Now funnily enough both me and my landlord have written books that are currently under construction for the publishers of the rock trails series Pesda Press.

Now before I am accused of shameless promotion I should point out that these book came out a while ago, and I basically had flick through them thought that’s interesting, but essentially I know enough to educate people on ML training courses. However when the book appeared in the the toilet this week I did pick it up, and start to flick a bit deeper.

My first impression was that the books were just as series of walks or rock trails, but not so there are several chapter all dedicated like geological time to describing what form the rock, what shaped the land, and how man alter it again, along with some more historical background. All of which is beautifully illustrated.

Only then does the book describe several different route that help your explore and see the natural evidence that the first part of the book explains. As such it is not a book for creationists, but those people with a grasp on reality will love it. I can’t recommend Paul Gammon’s Rock trail Snowdonia or Lakeland highly enough. If you an instructor they will give you a deeper understanding of the area, and if you a recreational walker they will help you to understand the beautiful environment that you enjoy interacting with.

Anyway we will see what on the Blog next week.

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