Life in the Vertical: Analytics

I started blogging on the 11th November last year, and have been extremely interested in watching my site grow in popularity, at first I had a handful of people who would check my blog out, and over the months it grew and grew. My most hits in one day was for the report on quickdraw failures, which was seen by over 4000 people. That was also my most link to page, and did exactly what I wanted it to do, which was publise this potentially lethal error.

Along the way I have upset a few people, but handing out my opinion is bound to differ from other peoples from time to time. Not being related to a major manufacturer, has allowed me a certain freedom. However I made some money since those early days, around £100 in total since I started, so I am not going to retire to the internet just yet.

However recently I am regular getting 2500 visits a month, around 1500 of them are Absolute unique views according to google analytics, and that results in over 4000 page views. Not bad for a part time venture, which I have been having emmense fun with over the last nine or so months.

People have been able to share my adventures, my life, my work and even my holiday, hopefully enjoyed themselves along the way.

My thought today is that maybe with so many visitors some manufacturers or small companies might like to have some permanent banners in exchange for equipment or preferable money. I have reviewed a few products that I have purchased, and unfortunately I have been too honest at time, and fear that no company in their right mind would want a review of me, however with direct link through’s to company websites perhaps the time is right to try and widen the source of income I generate from this I would say cottage enterprise, but it is more like a terrace enterprise.

Anyway I am pretty chuffed with the number of people who regularly call into here and at my coaching blog,website and slate and gogarth wiki’s

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