BMC Presidential Campaign!

Well, I was aware that the BMC was in the process of selecting a new President, after Charles Clarke comes to the end of his term, sitting on the National Council for the BMC I have seen with my own eyes the process that the council used to come up with a candidate, and Doug Scott’s name was on that list, however the National Council who represent all the geographic areas of the BMC felt that Rab had done such a good job as VP, and had appear ready, willing and able to get involved, and so after much deliberation it was voted that Rab would be the ‘official’ candidate.

I haven’t had much direct contact with Rab, but the few people we share as common friends and those few meetings have lead me to believe that Rab is an awesome and active all round climber, in that he boulders, climbs trad and sport climbs, and for a 60 year old he is burning me off. I like that about him, down to earth and never missing a trick. If you make sweeping generalisations like I do then I can almost guarantee that every National Council meeting I have been to he has brought me up on at least one of these brash statements. Rab full manifesto is here.

It was a few weeks ago that I heard of Doug Scott’s back to basics campaign, yet that was all I heard. Back to Basic, three words of political spin, if your going to steal a political slogan then I would have chosen one that wasn’t coined by the greyest and most boring man ever in the conservative party, John Major. Who famously lost that particular election, and any respect that the conservative party had at the time.

What really upset me with his back to basics campaign is his statement that he wishes to ensure that ‘Bolt Funds’ will fund the removal of bolts. What the hell does he think these funds are used for? The BMC has only supplied bolts, the individual bolt funds have to supply the drill, any equipment and of course the most important thing time. If he thinks some places need de-bolting then stand up and say which crags or route he disagrees with? From his statement he almost sounds like he thinks people get paid to ‘bolt’ crags, when in fact they are all volunteers. At the end of the day all you need to do to remove a bolt is make the effort to get to it, and often a spanner, failing that a hacksaw works alright. I am not sure whether Doug’s back to basics should be re-branded the Back to the Olden Days.

Anyway if you want the BMC to return to basics then sit at home, as I am sure that Doug has enough friends who will turn up to the BMC AGM to get him voted in as El President. If however you support Rab then please turn up or get a proxy voting form and vote at the AGM for Rab.

Anyway you can probably tell that I am not the BBC when it come to impartiality.

Doug Scott may well have achieved many fantastic climbing achievements in his life, however I really don’t think that he is the person for the job of President of the BMC. The figure head of our governing organisation I believe should be someone with current credentials, and I thinks Rab’s tick list last year says it all F8a at 60, if I can climb the stairs at that age I will be grateful.

Anyway there is more info in Summit Magazine, and on UKC

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